Technology Visionary Revolutionizes Customer Service Through AI Leadership

Sandeep Kakani, an engineer by training and an innovator by nature, has carved a distinctive path in the medical device industry through his leadership at Align Technology. As the head of customer service technology initiatives, Kakani has been instrumental in transforming how healthcare providers and patients engage with customer service. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and…

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China’s Organic Flow Battery Remains at 99.95% Capacity After 850 Cycles Using ORAM Development

Chinese researchers achieved a breakthrough in their development of organic flow batteries, creating novel ORAMs that help them achieve significant numbers in aqueous flow batteries. In the recent findings by researchers from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, they were able to retain as much as 99.95 percent capacity even after running 850 cycles with…

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John Hopfield, Geoffrey Hinton Receive 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics Amid Fears of AI ‘Getting out of Control’

For the first time, scientists John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics this year for pioneering work in machine learning. This paper forms the foundations of all artificial neural network applications, declared by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Their findings have changed how machines make sense of and learn…

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Sathya Narayanan Annamalai Geetha Leads Enterprise Digital Transformation Through AI and Cloud Mastery

Tech leaders aim to envision and define the future, not just stay ahead in an industry that is changing faster than ever. Sathya Narayanan Annamalai Geetha, a cloud architect at Google, is doing precisely that. With nearly two decades of experience, he has consistently helped enterprises reimagine how they use emerging technology, turning challenges into…

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